
Maintenant, vous pouvez trouver New Exodus sur Kodi Bae, XvBMC, Kodil, et TKNorris dépôt pour les utilisateurs de Kodi 17.6 Krypton. Il est toujours le meilleur  Created by TKNORRIS, scrapes through different sources in order to get the most possible results. Also has some advanced features like Debrid and Trakt support,   3 Dec 2016 Thanks! MJD • 4 years ago. You can install the TKNorris release repo from fusion and then install the stable SALTS from there. 5 Jan 2020 You can also install tknorris, but this repository is empty… so go back to step 16 and then select Kodil. then select video add ons. Then scroll  2 Aug 2017 Now it is running under TKnorris and Lambda. The URL Resolver was recently rewritten entirely by TKnorris to it make at resolving video.

Click on tknorris Release Repository. As shown in photo. Click on install. As shown in photo. It will download and install. Go back to install from repository menu. As shown in photo. Click on tknorris Release Repository. As shown in photo. Click on video add-ons. As shown in photo. Now you can add any one of the add-ons shown on the list. As shown in photo. tknorris has 11 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Created by TKNORRIS, scrapes through different sources in order to get the most possible results. Also has some advanced features like Debrid and Trakt support,  

Sels – Développement de sels va de tknorris à k3l3vra. Pour installer le clic repo de k3l3vra ici. Pour installer le clic repo de k3l3vra ici. 1Canal – voir ci-dessus, 1Canal a également déplacé dans la prise en pension de k3l3vra.

Oct 22, 2016 - XBMC tknorris Release Repository tv show addon tknorris Release Repository tv show addon Download XBMC tknorris Release Repository tv show addon Download Android APP [ for Android Devices ] Download Apple APP [ for Apple Devices ] Download Windows APP [ for Windows Devices ] Download IPTV Software [for PC] You can crea…

KODI URL RESOLVER Kodi URL Resolver is a comprehensive tool used by addons to play stored videos of the File Locker website like Gvideo, Clicknupload, Zshare, Dizilab, etc. In a URL Resolver, the addons send a command to play then the desired URL. Then the URL Resolver will process the coding and streams the video on the host. If the Kodi URL Resolver is not available, the developer of addon

TKnorris. 0. 0. Sign in or Register to comment. Newest ·Oldest. Comments: Show more comments × New message. Close Send message × Report user. Flag as: Inappropriate avatar Inappropriate about me Cancel Submit × Are you sure you want to unblock user? Cancel Submit × Are you sure you want to unblock user? Cancel Yes × Are you sure you want to delete this skin? Cancel Yes × Are you sure

05/06/2016 04/04/2019 · Download tknorris Release Repository 19/4/4, 28 sources - A repository hosted on by tknorris (Repositories)